
Window Replacement During a Home Renovation

Home renovations are exciting times, but they do come with a laundry list of concerns. From making sure you stay…

11 years ago

Upcycle Your Décor

Upcycling transforms unwanted or useless products into useful items or attractive decorations. The idea isn’t new; our ancestors upcycled as…

12 years ago

This Spring, Upcycle Some Rebirth Into Your Furniture

Is that old trunk in the attic taking up space? What about that wooden wardrobe with the broken hinges? This…

12 years ago

Remodeling Your Home: Return on Investment

Home remodeling is two of the scariest words to most homeowners. Whether it is simply picking out a new front…

14 years ago

Don’t neglect the front door

The front door is one of the most vital parts of a home for a lot of different reasons. While…

14 years ago

Get your furnace running before it is too late

There's a vital part of your home that goes unnoticed for 6-8 months every year: the furnace. As much of…

14 years ago

How To: Prevent Stinkbugs in PA

As if the falling temperatures and longer days weren't tough enough, the onset of fall also marks the return of…

14 years ago

Current lead paint building regulations

Earlier this year, the EPA created new rules governing remodeling and home improvement projects in pre-1978 houses and other buildings.…

14 years ago